Over a decade of dance partnership for Rachel and Steve Brandreth, professional and friendly tutors from dancebespoke. Helping aspiring ballroom dancers achieve their goals from social dancers to competitors.
Rachel was a regional and national competitor, before becoming the dance teacher at Sandbach adult education in 2007 and taking her professional qualifications. As a regional competitor she was 2nd in the North West Young Masters and also won the Open Cheshire and Lancashire Pre-Championships.
Steve danced at international level, including a successful career representing England as a junior dancer, he was a UK finalist and World Semi-Finalist three years running. He first came to Sandbach School (during a break from competing) as Rachel’s friend to assist with an end of term demonstration that had been requested by the students. The couple fell in love during training (thanks Sandbach School xx) and Steve joined Rachel teaching classes after they got engaged in 2009. They then set up dancebespoke in 2010 before getting married in the July of that year.
Steve also undertook his professional qualifications and the couple had a baby in 2013. Following the arrival of their daughter, Rachel and Steve gave their final performance demonstration at Sandbach Town Hall for the Mayor’s Ball – a rumba to the same piece of music, performed as their very first demo together at Sandbach School. Rachel is currently taking a break from teaching, assisting now and then, but now leaving the fancy footwork to Steve as she manages the business from “behind the scenes”. Steve continues to teach courses in Ballroom, Latin, Argentine Tango and other current dance styles for The Link at Sandbach School.

To celebrate a wonderful 10 years of teaching we would like to invite you all to participate in the following FREE DANCE WORKSHOPS during half term week:
Wednesday 25th October 2017 7pm
A taster session for new starters and absolute beginners. Why not give it a whirl? We would love to meet you!
Wednesday 25th October 2017 8pm
For returning dancers, past students & current beginners we revisit and recap the basics of social dancing. It will be great to see you again
Contact The Link office on 01270 758886 or visit thelink.sandbachschool.org to book your place
Sunday 29th October 2017 Chance to Dance from 6.30pm
FREE basics revision workshop Waltz, Quickstep, Cha Cha and Jive. We revisit and recap the basics of social dancing before the usual Chance to Dance social at 7.30pm – 9.30pm.
Contact dancebespoke to confirm your attendance.
To all dancers past present and future – Thank you x